Eliseeva Medical Center is the leading medical facility in Russia, which specializes in area of vegetative resonance diagnostics and treatment in combination with complex whole body cleansing.
Medical science is as old as human society and its existence and development plays a great role in humanity life. Lots of diseases sank into oblivion or became nonfatal due to achievements of medical scientists all over the world. Nonetheless our way down the road is not only the way of the victories. Nowadays we can clearly see conflicts between medical science and medical practice. E.g. big amount of dangerous side effects, despite of the highest technique of a medicines production, absence of real effect in treatment of most menacing diseases like cancer, AIDS and other viral infections, heart-vascular disorders etc., despite of astronomic budgets of pharmaceutical companies. Moreover the progress itself bring us new ailments such as allergies, hospital-acquired infections etc.
New trends in medical science development have appeared at the border of XX and XXI centuries, when scientists have thought about most common mechanisms of health and disease, fundamental basis of body functioning, intimate interconnection of human body and environment and even space. It became clear that taking into account not only human nature laws but more common laws too is the way to achieve health and save it for the maximal time. An age of informational integrative medicine began. Bioresonance discovery and adoption became the first and stupendous step. Since that time the bioresonance method has been widely applying in the diagnostics and the treatment of variety diseases. It is clear that bioresonance methods capable not only to correct disturbed functions of organs and systems, but suppress and kill infection, fungal, parasite agents in human body, which are the main reason of large amount of diseases.
Bioresonance method gives to a doctor huge amount of possibilities to diagnose and cure so he really can sink in variety of tests and subtests. A practitioner needs a reliable guidance to make this process fast and effective. It is possible with original algorithm designed by Olga Eliseeva patented in Russia. This algorithm is the basis of diagnostics and treatment at Eliseeva Medical Center with individual approach to every patient.
Indeed the real breakthrough in healing of variety of diseases was achieved when doctors of Eliseeva Medical Center started to use bioresonance method together with complex whole body cleansing. Nowadays they are able not only to verify the reasons of ailment and influence it but fully eliminate killed bacteria, fungi and parasites together with toxins and harmful products of pathologic biochemical processes.
Whole body cleansing has a great benefit in healthy persons too. In this case body cleansing is used for health and beauty improvement.
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